Access to annapurna mon village

Annapurna Mon Village is located in Ghachok village, 20 km north of Pokhara city.
It takes about 1 hour by vehicle to reach: take the Baglung highway until Hemja Milanchok, then take a right, cross Mardi river bridge and Lahachok village before reaching Ghachok village.
We can arrange a taxi or a jeep from Pokhara airport, tourist bus terminal or Lakeside.
Alternatively there are local buses leaving from Hari Chowk, Pokhara.
AMV can provide all information and services (porters, guides) needed for your trek, with the support of our partner Himalayan Frontiers Trekking & Expedition
(, a well-known trekking agency in Pokhara.
Contact us by email ( for any query about trekking.
Please note that a permit is required for trekking in Annapurna Conservation Area. It is highly recommended to go trekking with a professional guide.